Eighth Grade ELA






Monday   2/13

Direct Instruction:


Spelling- Introduce words                            


Direct Instruction: SMART Board

Lesson/ review

Guided Practice: Explaining WS and guiding collaborative learning groups.





Spelling- copy words


Direct Instruction:  

Spelling-Intro discuss

5th/8th – Lab -PLATO

6th – 7th Dictionary  SBL Begin to look up words

WSP 269-270



Read Ch. Bk  (25 pgs) Log in ReadingLog- Reflection/ Parent sign

Everyday Edit- Sled Dogs

WS pg 270 Dictionary Skills (if we get to that)  

Spelling- Write spelling/vocabulary words 5 times each (cursive / blue or black ink). Finish looking up words


  1. personnel
  2. stationary  
  3. advise      
  4. affect      
  5. devise      
  6. effect
  7. device      
  8. advice      
  9. personal    
  10. stationary


Tuesday   2/14

Direct Instruction: SMART Board

Lesson/ review

Guided Practice: Explaining WS and guiding collaborative learning groups.



Direct Instruction:  

5th/8th – Dictionary Notes SB  WSP 269-270

6th – 7th Dictionary SB WSP 269-270




Read Ch. Bk  (25 pgs) Log in Reading Log- Reflection/ Parent sign

WS pg 270 Dictionary Skills

Everyday Edit- Ronald Reagan

Write spelling/vocabulary words 2 times each. Write all interrogative sentences. NO BABY sentences!!

Wednesday   2/15


Direct Instruction: Powerpoint

Lesson/ review

Guided Practice: Explaining WS and guiding collaborative learning groups.



Direct Instruction:  

5th/8th – Thesaurus Notes SB  WSP 159-160

6th – 7th Thesaurus SB WSP 159-160




WS pg 160 Thesaurus

Everyday Edit: Thomas Edison Study all EE. Test on one tomorrow!!

Write spelling/vocabulary words 2 times each (cursive / blue or black ink).

Write a paragraph using all ten spelling/vocabulary words. It needs to make sense.

Thursday   2/16


Direct Instruction: Powerpoint

Lesson/ review

Guided Practice: Explaining WS and guiding collaborative learning groups.


Spelling/Voc Test


5th/8th – Thesaurus Notes SB  WSP 159-160

6th – 7th Thesaurus SB WSP 159-160



Read Ch. Bk  (25 pgs) Log in Reading Log- Reflection/ Parent sign


Friday   2/17

TWD- No School



TWD- No School



TWD- No School